Deadline for Applications:
Applications for the spring meeting of the Foundation must be received by May 7, 2025. The Foundation’s board meets in the fall and spring of each year to consider funding proposals.
Who can apply:
Non-profit groups from Canada may apply to the Foundation for funding where their programs will either a) empower the poor, b) develop the laity for their Christian role within the church, or c) aid the missionary activity of the church. A student may apply for financial support for Catholic Studies programs at the university level.
Application process:
The Foundation provides funding in each of four areas. The first is for individuals seeking funding assistance in Catholic Studies programs. The applicant needs to complete the Individual Application for Assistance form provided by the Foundation.
Those organizations whose proposed projects fulfill any of the other three Foundation purposes listed below are invited to complete an Organizational Application for Assistance form. The form should be concise and complete.
To assist the poor, by providing seed funding for projects designed to enable the needy to help themselves in matters of employment, housing and the like.
To provide assistance to movements that have, as their primary purpose, the development and formation of the laity for their Christian role in the world.
To aid the missionary activities of the Church
Approval Process:
The foundation reviews all applications to assess whether they meet one of the criteria as set out in the Foundation's purposes. The Foundation will also make an assessment as to whether sufficient information is provided for the Board of Trustees to make an informed decision. In some cases, applicant may be asked for clarification or additional information. On an annual basis, the total funding granted by the Foundation is $25,000. Those who receive funding are asked to complete a report form one year post award.