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About Bishop Power Foundation

“Every Christian has a “vocation”; a unique role in God’s saving and sanctifying work in the world. The distinctive vocation of the laity, the council stated “is to permeate the family and the worlds of business, culture and politics with the truths of the Christian faith.”


Decree on the Laity Vatican II




The Bishop William E. Power Family Charitable Foundation was established in 2001 through the generosity of the family of Bishop William E. Power, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Antigonish. The foundation operates through a volunteer Board of Trustees.

The Foundation’s Four Purposes:


  1. To assist the poor, by providing seed funding for projects designed to enable the needy to help themselves in matters of employment, housing and the like.

  2. To provide assistance to movements that have, as their primary purpose, the development and formation of the laity for their Christian role in the world.

  3. To provide assistance to full or part time students enrolled in “Catholic Studies” programs at the university level

  4. To aid the missionary activities of the Church


In a special way it will be necessary to discover ever more fully the specific vocation of the laity, called “to seek the Kingdom of God by engaging in the temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God; they have their own role to play in the mission of the whole people of God in the Church and in the world…”


Pope John Paul II – Letter marking the opening of the Millennium

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